Soul power and rehearsal the future

Recently, one of our church sisters shared with me that some teachings in Taiwan really confuse her, the teachings are: if you want to become a millionaire, just image yourself becoming a millionaire, then continue staying positive in everything until you become what you believe for. If you would like to see your cancer being healed, you just imagine the tumor is resolving, then don't look at the symptoms until you believe the cancer no longer there. The author uses a lot of bible verses to prove them,even some churches are practicing that to do the inner healing.Because I am teaching of rehearsing the future lately, some principles are same like staying positive, don't pay attention what the circumstance said, just stand firm and believe, so she asks me what is the different.

I prayed for a while, then the Holy Spirit taught me what is the different, I just share as follows,I lay the principal first: the revelation comes in first (God reveals the unseen to us through Holy Spirit),then the Word of God(Rhema) brings the assurance/substance,then the assurance/substance brings the now faith, then by faith we respond to the revelation, and then we rest in the Word of God and see the manisfestation in the natural realm(during the waiting period,no matter how hard, how difficult or how opposite the situation looks like, we can stay in positive and praise the Lord, because of the Word of God(Rhema) and the virtue of cross and the blood of Jesus Christ. We know when God said, the word shall come to pass.
Yes, the imagination is the portal which connects us with the spiritual realm. Through the whole bible we found that God gives men visions, dreams, creative ideas,and God is the one who initiates, which means He speaks first, then He puts the thoughts into our spirits through visions, dreams or prophetic words.

There are only 2 men in the whole bible having seen the original intention of God: Adam and Jesus. God created Adam and gave him the dominion over the earth,He designed men to live in the glory, not by humans efforts, but rest in the provision of the Lord,but Adam failed to rely on the Lord only. After a long waiting period Jesus came to the scene, He demonstrated how the Father's origin intend is, Jesus said and did things nothing by himself, He only said and did things according to His Father(John5:19) . That is the principal of entering the spiritual realm, Father calls, the He drops the revelation, or His invitation for us to enter the spiritual realm, He gives us the key to the access, it will never be the works of men. When Adam sinned, the glory of God decreased, and the knowledge of men's intelligent increased, which means the soul's power increased because the spirit died(separated)from God.

So no matter how we use the bible verses to prove, we use our imagination channel to step into the spiritual realm by ourselves, not by the invitation of the Father, that will never be the way of the Father. We should avoid using our own efforts to access the spiritual realm,because we need to make up mind that we never again eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.We do nothing by ourselves, we only do what we see our Father's doing. I will share next time about rehearsing the future.



