A Place called "There"

This morning we had a wonderful worship, and Lord revealed the Rhema message of A Place Called There. Adam has been there, he walked side by side with God. Jacob has been there, he fled from his brother, and he fell asleep, he had a dream, a ladder and the angels of the Lord went up and down, he woke up and said that "the Lord is here, I don't know that". Moses has been there, the burning bushes and he saw God's glory. Elijah has been there, the raven brought food to him, Jesus has been there, after baptist, the heaven open, and there the Father said:"this is my son and I please him". John has been there, there the Lord shows him the things which must be taken place, Paul has been there, in Arab wilderness 3 years, Lord reveals himself to him. Every servant of the Lord knows a place called there, there he(she) encounters Him, there he(she) experienced that the Lord is the healer, the Lord is the provider, the Lord is the victory, the Lord is the shepherd, the Lord is the righteousness, the Lord is the Almighty, the Lord is el Shadai, the Lord is with me, who can against me. Every time when you feel low, you are doubt, you are wondering, you don't know what to do, worship, and the Holy Spirit brings you back to there, and you will rise up and declare that through Jesus Christ everything is possible. Everything(bad or good) shall work together to benefit me. And then, you don't care how people said, how the circumstance said, you just believe and know that you will be the one who Lord calls you to be. Praise the Lord!

在今早的敬拜中,主啟示出祂現在的話:有一個地方稱為"那裡"。亞當到過那裡,他與神肩併肩同行。雅各在逃離他哥哥以掃時,在夢中他見到有一個梯子,神的使者上上下下,他醒過來說:神在這裏,我竟不知道,雅各有個那裡稱"伯特利"。摩西到過那裡,焚而不毀的荊棘,等候神榮耀經過的洞穴。以利亞有個那裡,神差烏鴉叼肉供養他。主耶穌有個那裡,受完水洗,從約旦河上來,有聲音從天上說:"這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。" 耶穌所愛的們徒約翰有個那裡,主將以後必成的事指示他。使徒保羅有個那裡稱"大馬色",主的光照他。在亞拉伯的矌野,主親自呼召,啟示他。每位神的僕人使女都有個"那裡",在那裏我們與主相遇,在那裏我們經歷主是我們的醫治者,我們的供應者,我們的得勝,我們的牧者,我們的公義,全能者,有神與我們同在有誰能抵擋我們。每當我們在低谷,在深淵,在矌野,或是覺得沒有出路,心中懷疑,擾亂不安,記得藉敬拜將你帶回"那裡",你的靈要再次起來宣告說:"靠著那加給我力量的,我凡事都能","萬事(不論是好或不好)就是要互相為我來效力。" "人怎麼說怎麼看我又有何彷,環境怎麼說怎麼惡劣又有何彷,我就是相信我要成為神要我成為的。"讚美主!哈利路亞!